Creation Consciousness

The Heaven on Earth Frequency

A 6 module course

Online Workshop

Do you feel that you don’t belong? Do you feel stuck, but also have a knowing that you are meant to create something special in this lifetime? Are you ready to birth something brand new for yourself but unsure where to start?

Many of us feel this way. We’ve felt for years that we were different and we have felt like outcasts unsure of how to “fit in”. And the reality is we were never meant to. We are now at a time in our collective evolution where fitting in won’t work. Each of us must step fully and completely into the uniqueness of our beings and begin to remember that we are here as creators ready to shift the entire trajectory of the planet with our actions. We have access now to create Heaven on Earth for ourselves. That frequency is something I call Creation Consciousness and I want to share all that I have learned on my own journey of manifesting my true Heaven on Earth experience with you!

In this 6 part master course I will show you how to deeply embody creation consciousness. The teachings shared in this multi week course will help you to anchor the undeniable knowing and truth that you are a creator being here to manifest your own personal version of Heaven on Earth.

Throughout this course you will:

  • More comfortably align with the Divine Feminine Frequency of grace, flow, and ease

  • Expand your understanding of manifestation into a daily reality of co-creation with spirit and your true self

  • Uncover and release blockers that you carry on an ancestral, past life and present time level

  • Create a vision of and align with your true and highest joy NOW

This course will enable creation consciousness in all houses of your life allowing you to find joy and abundance in:

  • Relationships & Family

  • Career & Purpose

  • Spiritual Connection & Intuition

  • Physical Health & Embodiment

The course Modules will Follow the Creation Cycle

Creation Consciousness

  • Module 1: The Release

    Finding Joy in Letting Go and Releasing

    How to Grieve and Honor Grief.

  • Module 2: the Void

    Embracing the Unknown

    Embodying the Frequency of Trust and Allow

  • Module 3: The Spark

    Opening to New Beginnings

    Harnessing the Head, Heart, Sacral Connection

  • Module 4: The Creation

    Receiving Support from all Realms

    Harnessing the Pause and Flow Cycles

  • Module 5: The Birth

    Making Manifest in Physical Reality

    Releasing Fear Blockers and Imposter Syndrome

  • Module 6: THe Life

    Letting Your Creation Grow

    Managing Your Resources

SIgn Me Up Today!


This will be an online course where access to all 6 modules, activations and visual aids will be delivered to your inbox as soon as you register. Move as quickly or as slowly as you would like. Any activations will also be provided separately for easy access offline.


one Payment


2 x payments

About Katie Sutton and Her Guides

Katie Sutton is an intuitive channel, vibrational healer and way-shower who supports people on their personal path to wholeness and fulfillment. Through Zen Within Academy, Katie empowers you to live as your authentic self. Katie’s clients span a broad demographic spectrum and are united in their search for solutions to their life challenges. Her passion to provide a wide array of healing modalities and experiential programs can be tailored for both the current and future needs of her clients. She and her husband, Josh, travel across the country leading retreats and workshops where they incorporate her original and transformational 12th Dimensional Healing™ techniques and sound healing therapies which create tangible and lasting shifts for their clients. 

Katie’s channeled work pulls on her deep and continual connection with the Divine Feminine Collective and the 12th Dimensional Collective to bring forward ancient teachings that have been lost to humanity for some time.

The Divine Feminine Collective is made up of:

Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Goddess Sophia, Mother Gaia, Goddess Ma’at, Goddess Isis, Anna Grandmother of Jesus, White Buffalo Calf Woman and more.

The 12th Dimensional Collective is made up of:

Various star being connections such as Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra in combination with other Ascended Masters such as Yeshua/Jesus, Buddha, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Metratron and more

Katie works diligently and mindfully to create a clear channel for participants to receive teachings and activations in the highest vibration possible. Her activations and meditations are often felt in the body and spirit to a very deep and powerful degree, shifting participants all the way down to the DNA level.

Is this course for me?

Choice and truth are very personal. If you’ve been drawn to this course page then chances are there is something here for you. Zen Within Academy offers participants a guided journey of self-exploration and healing that is comprehensive and deeply illuminating. If this transformational work calls to you then this course is for you.