Divine Action not Forced Intentions

New Year’s Day for me lands much differently than many.  I find myself wanting quiet relaxation and inward reflection rather than celebrating and doing.  Winter in general is a time for all of us to turn inward to reflect on what has come over the past months while we integrate and assimilate what we have learned.  I often find that I have a burst of energy in early December that gets me geared up for the following year, I get all my planning and preparing done and then I go into cocoon mode. 

I don’t want to go out and I want to make art and recharge my creative powers so that they may be best used in the Spring time when the weather shifts and often my mood too.  So instead this time of year when many are forcing resolutions and intentions into being, I stop, pause and listen.  And I align myself with what I call Divine Action.  Divine Action is when we listen and get quiet enough to hear the whispers of our soul. And then when we get the answers or clarity I seek rather than trying to make all the wonderful things we are being guided towards happen with forced effort, we wait some more for that internal nudge, that synchronicity of path and then we move forward

I venture to follow this method of divine action throughout the year, but I find it comes more natural in the winter months when my energy is lower and I am more inclined to listen and move slower.  In the Spring and Summer months when my fire energy runs hot as blazes it is harder to listen to that internal voice, to hear that gentle nudge and to be in ease rather than effort.  

So for all of you out there who are looking at your friends and their resolutions and intentions for the New Year and judging yourself because all you’ve been doing is resting and recharging, I invite you to stop the judgement of self.  Let go of the standard you hold yourself to that no mere mortal could ever live up to and just allow yourself to be right where you are.  Don’t disconnect from the feelings, from the slowing down, don’t force the action.  Because as we pause we find joy, we find inspiration and we find connection.  And isn’t that really what new beginnings are all about?


Katie Sutton founded the Zen Within Academy after graduating from the Boulder Psychic Institute in 2017. She is also a certified professional wellness coach, sound healer, and intuitive channel with over 12 years of experience within the health and wellness industry.

Her personal experience with stress induced chronic illness led her to a path of awakening and self healing. She now takes the same techniques she has honed for her own wellness and shares those in 1:1 healing sessions, workshops, retreats, and in her Zen Within Academy programs.


Leap of Faith


Let Go, Surrender and Receive