Activating Empowered Empathy with Conscious Communication

One of the key themes of Volume 3: Community and Connection in my New Earth Now school is the idea of conscious relationships and conscious communication. In order to heal the division that has exited on this planet for thousands of years, we must develop deeper empathy and empowerment in our communication style. This means remembering that vulnerability and integrity is a gateway or bridge between us and those around us. When we activate conscious communication while in relationship we create space for a release of separation energy and help those around us know how we want to be communicated with in return.

Conscious communication is the act of intentionally and actively paying attention to the words we use and the way we communicate with others. It involves being present in the moment, listening actively, and expressing ourselves authentically and with empathy.

One key aspect of conscious communication is the ability to listen actively. This means fully paying attention to the person speaking, rather than just waiting for a chance to speak or formulating a response in your head. Active listening involves making eye contact, nodding, and asking clarifying questions to show that you are engaged in the conversation. It also involves attempting to understand the other person's perspective and feelings, rather than just focusing on your own.

Another important aspect of conscious communication is authenticity. This means being true to ourselves and expressing our thoughts and feelings honestly and openly, rather than hiding behind a facade or pretending to agree with someone when we don't. When we communicate authentically, we are more likely to build trust and establish deeper connections with others.

Empathy is also an important component of conscious communication. This involves being able to understand and share the feelings of others, and showing compassion and understanding towards their experiences. When we communicate with empathy, we create a safe and supportive environment where others feel heard and understood.

Conscious communication can have a number of benefits, both in our personal and professional lives. It can help us to build stronger and more meaningful relationships, improve our conflict resolution skills, and increase our emotional intelligence. It can also lead to better decision making and problem solving, as it allows us to fully consider the perspectives and needs of others.

Overall, conscious communication is an important skill to cultivate in order to improve our relationships, increase our emotional intelligence, and effectively navigate challenges and conflicts. By paying attention to the words we use and the way we communicate, we can create deeper connections with others and live more authentic and fulfilling lives.

To learn more about this topic and more join my upcoming Volume 3 of the New Earth Now School. Click the button below to learn more


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