The Healing Benefits of Crystals

Crystals are one of the oldest and most powerful natural healing aids, as they harness the power of the Earth’s electromagnetic field to promote mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. For example, Clear Quartz has been known to alleviate pain in physical areas of the body such as backaches and joint aches, while its ability to align the body’s energies can also be beneficial to people who suffer from issues such as depression and anxiety.

History of Crystals

The use of crystals to heal dates back millennia, although it was first documented in Japan. The Japanese used a special rock called Sugilite for its powerful healing properties. It wasn’t until much later that Crystal healing became popularised in Europe, when Dr Marcel Vogel came across some Quartz crystals and noticed that they changed color depending on how he held them.

What are Gemstones?

Gemstones are naturally occurring minerals with unique properties that result in their distinct color, clarity and texture. They range from precious stones like diamonds to semi-precious stones such as opals, to fossilized stones such as amber. Their rarity makes them sought after in many cultures around the world, where they’re prized for their beauty and folklore beliefs associated with them. Many people view gemstones as possessing healing powers that can protect us from harm and promote health.

Choosing the Right Crystal

It's All About Your Chakras: Choosing a crystal is all about getting in tune with your body and choosing a crystal that resonates best with you. The easiest way to do so is by considering your chakras, or life force points. There are seven chakras in total — from base to crown — which when aligned, balance both mind and body.

How to Use your Healing Crystal

Since there are so many different crystal types and properties, it’s impossible to offer an all-encompassing guide on how to use them. You should always research your chosen crystal before deciding on a specific placement and usage method.

Check out our Store Healing Stone Beings in the link below.


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