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Thresholds…Walking towards the Mountain Retreat

  • Sacred Grove Retreat Center 15720 Collie Road Gold Hill, NC, 28071 United States (map)

Weaving the Golden Threads of Transformation

Join Lea Motlow and Katie Sutton for a Soul Quest Experience

More about our Retreat in the Video below.

The format of this retreat will follow the vision quest model. The vision quest/fast has been a ceremonial rites of passage within tribal cultures for many thousands of years. It is a ceremony that assists one in intentionally leaving behind what no longer serves and stepping into the next stage of their life. Even if there is a lack of certainty around the next stage of life, the ceremony will assist you in walking towards your souls calling.

The Mountain is your SOUL…the vision quest process is the walk you follow.

During this 4 Day, 3 Night retreat Lea Motlow a Vision Quest Guide, who has navigated her own journey with the calling of the Apu's (mountains) of Peru, and cultivated a strong connection to Pachamama and the Angels; along with Katie and her gifts as a Healer using her connection to the Stone beings, Sound and Energy Medicine and Intuitive Channeling will create a strong container to support you as you let go of what no longer serves you, enabling you to walk towards a new life.

What do you want to let go of? What is calling you forward?

The Soul Quest

Prior to The Retreat: The Calling…Who AM I?

This will begin prior to arrival to the retreat. The moment you register you will be called into the sacred container that Lea and Katie have created. They will begin holding the space for you to discover more about yourself and what is calling you to this quest. Guidance will be provided leading up to the retreat to facilitate this process.

Part 1: The Severance….Letting it ALL Go!

You will be assisted in letting the old stories that no longer serve rise to the surface to be released. Katie and Lea will share teachings and processes to assist with this letting go and a death lodge ceremony will take place that evening including sound healing, earth medicine and channeled messages.

Part 2: The Threshold….Stepping into the Sacred World of Wilderness

During this day of the retreat we will perform a threshold ceremony on the land. Helping you to offer prayers and requests to spirit before crossing the threshold into your fasting ceremony. This will be solo time on the land to connect and process what is needed while receiving messages and information from spirit through your own unique connection. This will be a time for silent connection, prayer and contemplation.

Part 3: The Reincorporation….Returning to Your Life and Your People

We will feast and celebrate in sacred circle following the threshold ceremony. Additional teachings will be shared to assist you during your time out on the land and tools to use as you walk forward into your new life.

Part 4: The Giveaway…Living Your Life as Ceremony

During this ceremony you will be guiding in offering something, a sacred item you bring with you to the retreat, to someone else in attendance. This ceremony marks the end of the cycle you have completed and an activation of your brand new beginning and is a symbol of giving away your medicine without attachment.

Throughout the weekend Lea, Katie and Josh will be offering teachings, energy medicine, sound healing and channeled messages from spirit to support you in navigating the vision quest process. You will also be sharing in a sacred community with others on this journey, developing bonds and finding support on your Hero’s journey.

Want to learn more about our upcoming Retreats?

October 21

CONNECTION: Energy Healing & Sound Bath Ceremony

February 25

The Art of Self Love - Mini Retreat